Sustainability and Economics: The Environmental Valuation Controversy
Nima Norouzi1*
1Department of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran polytechnic), 424 Hafez Avenue, PO Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran
Received:N/A; Revised:N/A; Accepted:N/A; Published:December 30, 2021
On sustainable development, a fundamental controversy is a value assigned to environmental goods and services. Economics approaches it from two perspectives: the traditional neoclassical approach (environmental economics) and another, more comprehensive one, where different sciences converge (ecological economics). This work offers a critical review of conventional economic theory associated with sustainable development, also highlights the need to assign values to environmental services for better decision-making, in which individual and social preferences are considered, thereby it would advance towards the central goals of sustainable development: economic efficiency, social justice, and ecological sustainability. This paper’s main contribution and novelty are to frame a discussion about the controversy between the various disciplines involved in the commensurability of nature. This link is a necessity of today’s world and must be considered an important issue to enhance sustainable development.
Sustainable Development, Ecological Economics, Environmental Economics, Green Economics, Sustainable Economics
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Citation:Norouzi, N.(2021). Sustainability and Economics: The Environmental Valuation Controversy.
International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Protection,
1(1), 3-15.
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