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Innovation on Design and Culture
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Open Access Research Paper
 IDC 2022/6
Vol.1, Iss.2 : 1-5

Management Mode of Cultural Creativity Under COVID-19

Luo-Xiao Zhang1 and Min-Tsai Lai2*

1Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan
2Changchun University, Changchun, Jilin, China

Received:May 13, 2022; Revised:May 31, 2022; Accepted:June 13, 2022; Published:June 30, 2022
Faced with the reappearance of the COVID-19 epidemic, there may also be hidden worries about the emergence of the third wave of epidemics. Each country is rapidly changing in the epidemic, and the economic and political problems caused by it require different response methods and solutions. The companies have new strategies to respond to the new consumption patterns brought about in the post-epidemic era. The above factors have led to this research for the following discussions. (1) How to understand the possible changes in the development of the cultural and creative industry by the COVID-19 epidemic. (2) In the new global economic situation in the post-epidemic era, how government or civil society prepares Industry strategies and specific strategies and practices. (3) How the cultural and creative industry responds to the impact of the epidemic on leisure activities and how to quickly return to normal lives. This research is carried out to explore feasible methods for enterprises and private institutions to strengthen the cultural industry supply chain and develop specific strategies in the post-epidemic era.

Keywords:  COVID-19, Cultural Creativity, Cultural Industry

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Citation:Zhang, L.X., & Lai, M.T.(2022). Management Mode of Cultural Creativity Under COVID-19. Innovation on Design and Culture, 1(2), 1-5.

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