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Open Access Research Paper
 IDC 2022/6
Vol.1, Iss.2 : 21-28

Research on Involvement of STEAM Education Curriculum in Social Participation: Case Study of Changzhao Station in Dachang Lane

Pei-Ching Lin1, Jui-Hung Cheng2*, Pin-Tsen Liu3 and Chung-Yi Cheng4

1Community Promotion Office, E-Da Dachang Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Department of Mold and Die Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3Department of Health Care Administration, Chung Hwa Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4Department of Civic Education and Leadership, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

Received:May 14, 2022; Revised:May 28, 2022; Accepted:June 14, 2022; Published:June 30, 2022
With the aging of the population structure, all age groups have long-term care needs, and currently, and the elderly are still the majority. The extended medical and non-medical service needs are implemented at home, community, nursing home, or long-term care center locations. Most seniors want to live in a familiar and customary community environment. Low willingness for outside agency-style services has resulted in unaffordable stress for many families, which becomes a social problem that cannot be ignored. Therefore, the Taiwanese government promoted the long-term care 2.0 policy in 2017 with A, B, and C grading schemes. This research is carried out to improve the utilization rate of different types of services and implement local long-term care needs, taking the C-level lane Changzhao Station as an example. Not all were elderly or those with limited mobility. Some have a certain level of education or social experience and were also enthusiastic and curious about learning new things. To emphasize the importance of social participation and health promotion for the elderly, it is necessary to break through the traditional teaching model of the past. This research adopts the STEAM cross-field grandparents co-learning teaching model with three different levels of robotic implementation activities. Through the assembly and testing process, the elderly practice brain and hands-on exercises. Such preventive courses effectively help the elderly delay the deterioration of disability. There are increased intergenerational topics to enhance the social participation and sense of achievement of the elderly. Summarizing the research results, the STEAM bionic robot practice course has a high degree of learning satisfaction. Effectively applied to the alleys and long-term photos of Changzhao 2.0, the learning model enhances the social participation of the elderly and the effect of delaying disability.

Keywords:  PBL problem/project-oriented learning, STEAM education, Robotic implementation, Hutong long-term care station, Grandparent co-learning, Social engagement, Delayed disability

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Citation:Lin, P.C., & Cheng, J.H., & Liu, P.T., & Cheng, C.Y.(2022). Research on Involvement of STEAM Education Curriculum in Social Participation: Case Study of Changzhao Station in Dachang Lane. Innovation on Design and Culture, 1(2), 21-28.

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