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Innovation on Design and Culture
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Open Access Research Paper
 IDC 2023/3
Vol.2, Iss.1 : 1-7

Effects of Spatial Designs on Young Entrepreneurs and Visitors’ Feelings Toward Guangfu New Village, a Cultural and Creative Military Dependents’ Village, in Taichung City

Chia Hui Lin 1* and Yu Hsin Chao1

1Department of Interior Design, Asia University, Taichung 41354, Taiwan

Received:January 30, 2023; Revised:February 15, 2023; Accepted:March 01, 2023; Published:March 30, 2023
The Guangfu New Village was the first military dependents’ village in Taichung City and has a “cultural landscape.” The combination of age-old brick buildings and the rich local cultural history of the village allowed for the transformation of the idle space into a cultural and creative base for young entrepreneurs. However, despite the introduction of the Star Program and government subsidies, the planning is inadequate, causing young entrepreneurs to be confined by the different regulations of the management units in terms of designs and decorations. To solve this major problem, we explored and recorded the “spatial status” of the Guangfu New Village with the concept of a garden city by analyzing the history and architectural features of the village. To develop a military dependents’ village with cultural and creative endeavors, we surveyed for this study to identify the advantages and disadvantages of two different village groups. In-depth interviews with young entrepreneurs and local tourists were carried out with a literature review to analyze the development process considering local culture and its results. The needs of different business types and their problems with the management regulations were determined. Based on the results, we suggested designs to transform youth entrepreneurship bases, which serve as references to the Guangfu New Village for investments and planning improvements. The young entrepreneur bases can be a reference for the sustainable transformation model of community spaces. Residents can understand the importance of local culture and identity, which helps young entrepreneurs to solve the obstacles in spatial transformation for SDG 11 (building sustainable cities and communities).

Keywords:  Guangfu village, youth entrepreneurship base, interior space, design guideline

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Citation:Hui, C., & Hsin, Y.(2023). Effects of Spatial Designs on Young Entrepreneurs and Visitors’ Feelings Toward Guangfu New Village, a Cultural and Creative Military Dependents’ Village, in Taichung City. Innovation on Design and Culture, 2(1), 1-7.

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