Open Access
The Traditional to Contemporary Spectrum of Models of Higher Education for Admission and Course Delivery
David Kember1, David Hicks1, Doris YP Leung2* and Michael Prosser3
1Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania, Australia
2School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
3Centre for Studies in HIgher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia
Received:N/A; Revised:N/A; Accepted:N/A; Published:November 20, 2021
The admission of the more diverse student body in higher education has been facilitated by greater flexibility in teaching and learning mode of study and by permitting part-time study. This study aims to compare a hypothesised model on a set of presage variables relating to admission and mode of study; intermediate variables of age and year of study and measures of outcomes including GPA and attrition between a traditional university (N = 17,025) and a contemporary university (N = 8,911) using data from student records using structural equation modeling. Following testing and modification, the model for the traditional university (R-CFI = 0.959, SRMR = 0.035 and R-RMSEA = 0.059) was simpler than that for the contemporary university (R-CFI = 0.932, SRMR= 0.055, and R-RMSEA = 0.055). As universities have shifted across the spectrum from the traditional to contemporary models, the increased complexity has permitted the entry of a much wider range of students to higher education, but it is also led to increases in attrition.
Models of higher education, Structural equation modelling, Attrition, Mass higher education, Path model
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Citation:Kember, D., & Hicks, D., & YP, D., & Prosser, M.(2021). The Traditional to Contemporary Spectrum of Models of Higher Education for Admission and Course Delivery.
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies,
1(1), 58-66.
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