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Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies
Frequency: Quarterly Published by lIKll

Vol.1, Iss.1, December 2021

This study explored whether participation in a high school STEM game design enrichment program influenced students’ discussions of project goals, motivation, and success. Seventeen high school students were included in the study, seven participated in the game design program, while ten were traditional students. Post-interviews were conducted using a semi-structured protocol in order to capture students' lived experience in a rich, meaningful way. Transcripts were qualitatively coded by two researchers. Connections between codes were analyzed using epistemic network analysis. Based on experience grouping, we investigated whether there was a difference in how students discussed (1) their projects? (2) their motivation? (3) their success? First, our findings revealed that traditional students discussed performance goals, while game design participants discussed learning goals. Second, game design participants discussed intrinsic motivation while traditional students discussed extrinsic motivation. Third, game design participants discussed persistence in relationship to their success; traditional students did not attribute their success to persistence. Overall, our combined results indicate that traditional students were performance-oriented, while game design participants were mastery-oriented. Designing STEM games is one potential method for helping students develop the mastery orientation that they need for success in future STEM careers and for their future in general.
  • Open Access Editorial

    Inaugural Message from the Editors-in-Chief

    by Shane Tutwiler, Charles Tijus and Chun-Yen Chang*
    EIET 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1, 1-2, - Published on March 20, 2021


    Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (EIET) is a scientific and technological journal of the International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention, Singapore (IIKII). In the digital age, EIET covers the design, the building, the usages and the evaluation of cognitive technologies that favor the process of inquiry-based learning, knowledge and know-how acquisition, deep understanding and explainability as well as critical thinking through the use of adapted dev...

  • Open Access Article

    Measuring Teacher Self-Efficacy for Integrating Computational Thinking in Science (T-SelECTS)

    by Lautaro Cabrera*, Virginia Byrne, Diane Jass Ketelhut, Merijke Coenraad, Heather Killen and Jandelyn Plane
    EIET 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1, 3-14, - Published on November 20, 2021


    With computational thinking (CT) emerging as a prominent component of 21st century science education, equipping teachers with the necessary tools to integrate CT into science lessons becomes increasingly important. One of these tools is confidence in their ability to carry out the integration of CT. This confidence is conceptualized as self-efficacy: the belief in one’s ability to perform a specific task in a specific context. Self-reported self-efficacy in teaching has shown promise as a measur...

  • Open Access Article

    Exploration of Teacher-Student Neural Coupling Occurring During the Teaching and Learning of Science

    by Richard Lamb*, David Fortus, Troy Sadler, Knut Neumann, Amanda Kavner and Leonard Annetta
    EIET 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1, 15-31, - Published on November 20, 2021


    Verbal communication to relay information between students and the teacher, i.e., talk, lies at the heart of all science classrooms. This study investigated and began to characterize the neurological basis for the talk between science teachers and students in terms of speaker-listener coupling in a naturalistic setting. Speaker-listener coupling is the time-locked moment in which speaker vocalizations result in activity in the listeners brain. This activity is highly predictive and tightly ties ...

  • Open Access Article

    What’s in Their Words? How STEM Game Design Participants Discuss Their Projects, Motivation, and Success Differently

    by Denise M. Bressler*, Leonard A. Annetta, Alexis Dunekack, Richard L. Lamb and David Vallett
    EIET 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1, 32-47, - Published on November 20, 2021


    This study explored whether participation in a high school STEM game design enrichment program influenced students’ discussions of project goals, motivation, and success. Seventeen high school students were included in the study, seven participated in the game design program, while ten were traditional students. Post-interviews were conducted using a semi-structured protocol in order to capture students' lived experience in a rich, meaningful way. Transcripts were qualitatively coded by two rese...

  • Open Access Article

    Three Principles, 2 Sub-principles and One Magic Wand for Harm Minimization and Prevention of Technological Addiction in Human Children

    by Daniel Devatman Hromada*
    EIET 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1, 48-57, - Published on November 20, 2021


    Departing from the definition of techno-addiction in terms of technology-assisted behaviour with probable detrimental consequences, we propose following guidelines could direct the design of harm-reducing technologies: gradual use-constraining, circadianity, offline preferentiality, environmental referentiality and monotasking. These guidelines can serve as criteria according to which digital technologies can be evaluated. Also, these principles can direct design of post-smartphone digital techn...

  • Open Access Article

    The Traditional to Contemporary Spectrum of Models of Higher Education for Admission and Course Delivery

    by David Kember, David Hicks, Doris YP Leung* and Michael Prosser
    EIET 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1, 58-66, - Published on November 20, 2021


    The admission of the more diverse student body in higher education has been facilitated by greater flexibility in teaching and learning mode of study and by permitting part-time study. This study aims to compare a hypothesised model on a set of presage variables relating to admission and mode of study; intermediate variables of age and year of study and measures of outcomes including GPA and attrition between a traditional university (N = 17,025) and a contemporary university (N = 8,911) using d...

  • Open Access Article

    Online English Learners’ Metacognitive Knowledge Development about Writing: Implications for Second Language Writing Pedagogy

    by Naiyi Xie Fincham and Guofang Li*
    EIET 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1, 67-83, - Published on November 20, 2021


    This case study examines factors that influence the construction and development of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ metacognitive knowledge (MCK) about English writing in online learning in China. Drawing upon theories and research in metacognition, writing in a second or foreign language (L2), and distance language learning, we investigated two Chinese EFL learners’ knowledge about themselves as EFL writers and the affordances of second language writing instruction in an online la...