Open Access
Online English Learners’ Metacognitive Knowledge Development about Writing: Implications for Second Language Writing Pedagogy
Naiyi Xie Fincham1 and Guofang Li2*
1University of Hawaii, USA
2University of British Columbia, Canada
Received:N/A; Revised:N/A; Accepted:N/A; Published:November 20, 2021
This case study examines factors that influence the construction and development of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ metacognitive knowledge (MCK) about English writing in online learning in China. Drawing upon theories and research in metacognition, writing in a second or foreign language (L2), and distance language learning, we investigated two Chinese EFL learners’ knowledge about themselves as EFL writers and the affordances of second language writing instruction in an online language course over a 16-week semester. Findings suggest that the two learners’ adjustments and revisions of their MCK about EFL writing were influenced by several pedagogical factors, including the task design, online writing instruction, and teacher feedback. Findings from this study have important implications for the design and delivery of writing tasks in online language programs for EFL learners.
EFL Learners, Second Language Writing, Metacognitive Knowledge (MCK), Online Education, Writing Pedagogy, China
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Citation:Xie, N., & Li, G.(2021). Online English Learners’ Metacognitive Knowledge Development about Writing: Implications for Second Language Writing Pedagogy.
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies,
1(1), 67-83.
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