Open Access
Sustainable Supply Chain Risk in Food Packaging Industry: Integrated Delphi-CRITIC-COPRAS Method Using Fuzzy Set Theory
by Mohammad Safary Ahmadsaraei , Amir Abedini Koshksaray , Marzieh Soleimani * and Zeinabalsadat Kazemi
IJBSI 2022, Vol 2, Issue 1, 61-78, - Published on March 30, 2022
The present study aims to develop a framework for sustainable supply chain risk management evaluation in the food packaging industry based on multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods in the fuzzy environment. An integrated MCDM approach is proposed based on Delphi, CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC), and COmplex PRoportional ASsessment (COPRAS) methods. Through reviewing the research literature, related criteria were identified and selected based on experts' opin...