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International Journal of Business Studies and Innovation
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Open Access Research Paper
 IJBSI 2023/03
Vol.3, Iss.1 : 31-42

Impact of Sustainable Brand Image on Factors of Consumer Attractiveness in Fashion Industry: A Case Study of Taiwan and China

Fang-Pang Chang1*, Chia-Hui Huang 1 and Chun-Chih Chen 2

1Institute of Cultural and Creative Design, Tung-fang Design University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
2Department of Industrial Design, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Received:January 30, 2023; Revised:February 15, 2023; Accepted:March 01, 2023; Published:March 30, 2023
The impact of sustainable brand image on consumers’ perceived value in the fashion industry of Taiwan and China was researched in this study. Consumers of fashion are increasingly concerned about sustainability, environmental friendliness, and social responsibility while pursuing style, comfort, quality, and reasonable prices at the same time. As sustainable development becomes a global agenda, many apparel companies have yet to realize and execute sustainable development goals (SDGs) for their blue ocean strategies and competitiveness. Thus, we explored the influence of SDGs on consumers’ perceived value of the brand image using the evaluation grid method (EGM) and the Kano model. Through the two-dimensional quality analysis of the Kano model, we could understand consumer attitudes toward fashion products and how they were related to the indicators of SDGs. The research results will assist apparel companies in establishing improvement strategies for enhancing the quality of their fashion products by integrating SDGs into the strategies. The results also highlighted the importance of sustainable brand image on consumers’ perceived value in the fashion industry. Sustainable development is an avoidable market trend that requires the incorporation of SDG principles to enhance consumers’ perceived value, strengthen the brand’s sustainable development, and gain a competitive edge in the competitive market.

Keywords:  SDGs, EGM, KANO Model

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Citation:Chang, F.P., & Huang, C.H., & Chen, C.C.(2023). Impact of Sustainable Brand Image on Factors of Consumer Attractiveness in Fashion Industry: A Case Study of Taiwan and China. International Journal of Business Studies and Innovation, 3(1), 31-42.

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